Thirsty Africa has met her spring

Thirsty Africa has met her spring

By: Odilphe MPANZO

In different periods of time, the richest continent in the World faced many troubles. Consequently, neither young Africans nor their elders tasted the happiness of their continent. However, for the dedication of the young generation, especially the Africa Youth Leadership Forum (AYLF), we are seeing a ray of sunshine in the wished-for Africa.

In order to move on, there are some questions we should ask ourselves. What is the Africa Youth Leadership Forum? And what is it doing?

Those questions indicate that we need to know the real meaning of the topic above. The Africa Youth Leadership Forum is a collaborative initiative that brings together university students, leaders, students, and young professionals across the country from public and private universities for mentorship, training, networking, and capacity building. Now it is based in seven countries in the East African Community.

AYLF has a great vision of seeing a transformed leadership culture in Africa. As this continent was destroyed many times based on divisions, sectarian conflicts, religions, etc.In AYLF's mission, we find the commitment to defy that mediocrity by encouraging unity in diversity as a gift to build our societies. Furthermore, it is very exciting to see how those young leaders, wherever they meet, They treat one another as his brother or her Sister.

Young leaders from this movement are very requested in the marketplace for their values, resummed in one word: "LIFE". That means love, Integrity, friendship, and Excellence.

To conclude, every great nation was built by its people, especially those young and full of energy and the best ideas. This is what this continent is gaining from this Africa Youth Leadership Forum. I highly recommend every young student not leave his university without joining AYLF on his campus.